China's targeting of America calling out FacebookGoogle's complicity (technology)

 by Dfens

Asked if Google and Facebook should be cooperating with the Chinese in developing information controls, Bolton said Vice President Mike Pence last week urged American tech companies not to cooperate with Chinese repression. "I would say to shareholders of these companies that portray themselves as the open internet, 'transparent future, really?'

You want to make money off of repression? If I were a shareholder, I'd want to know what the answer of our corporate leadership was," Bolton said. The Trump administration is tightening export controls in terms of restricting technology with dual civilian-military uses, and also doing more to prevent technology theft through cyber attacks.

On Chinese election meddling, Bolton said the problem is serious.

"We are very worried about the question of Chinese interference not just in individual elections, but more broadly trying to influence the American political discussion with an influence campaign that I think could well be unprecedented," he said.--

Google's immediate action over AI labelling of black people as gorillas was simply to block the word, along with chimpanzee and monkey

Google's immediate action over AI labelling of black people as gorillas was simply to block the word, along with chimpanzee and monkey (

by SlamDank to funny (+90|-0)